Prices Medical Hall
Prices Medical Hall
This is a very traditional Victorian shopfront, a mid 19th century addition to an earlier mid 18th century building Circa (1760). a grant was applied for in 2020 and granted under the Built Heritage Investment Scheme. The increased involvement of a Conservation engineer Lisa Edden of Cora Engineering and Orna Tubridy of Corridy Consulting (a colleague) due to Covid-19 travel restrictions, meant that the extent of structural issues involved were uncovered in advance of the works commencing and the funds were used for temporary propping and investigative works , which were carried out by John Lonergan of Revamp construction. The works to the shopfront were then redesigned an retendered during the lockdown , a new application for grant funds was upgraded following a meeting with the Conservation officers on site and a section 5 application lodged for insertion of new structure. An application for the new shopfront grant was made to Dublin City Council was made and granted to the maximum amount.
This shopfront is to undergo a structural revision involving an additional supporting pillar , this will involve the removal of the shop front signage and cast iron filigreed and its careful reinstatement with as much of the authentic fabric as possible. Some laser scanning is to occur to ensure there is no further movement to the front façade during the works and materials testing and research is to be carried out for elements of historic wallpaper discovered internally and paint analysis on the shopfront sign. The work is due to commence in July 2021 and there are training outreach opportunities available for conservation interested parties.
This shopfront is to undergo a structural revision involving an additional supporting pillar , this will involve the removal of the shop front signage and cast iron filigreed and its careful reinstatement with as much of the authentic fabric as possible. Some laser scanning is to occur to ensure there is no further movement to the front façade during the works and materials testing and research is to be carried out for elements of historic wallpaper discovered internally and paint analysis on the shopfront sign. The work is due to commence in July 2021 and there are training outreach opportunities available for conservation interested parties.